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OPEN-SOURCE Mail Notifier
Version History
 (+) New feature
 (*) Changed feature
 (-) Bug fixed

2.0		2002-01-11
	(+) Released !!
2.1 (beta 1)        2002-02-01 
    (+) Specify E-Mail Program per Account. 
    (+) Include some sample Sound Files (thanks Nelinha). 
    (+) Specify POP3 port using syntax "server:port". 
    (+) Option to use MAPI instead of "mailto:". 
    (+) Reply on Preview (with body). 
    (+) Mouse Action to toggle AutoCheck. 
    (*) Change Icon when AutoCheck disabled. 
    (*) Show "[Use Default Sound]" when no account sound. 
    (*) Account Test Sound button plays default sound. 
    (*) Better Enable/Disable of Account Save/Cancel buttons. 
    (-) Background color of Mail Client icon in menu. 
    (-) "Still Busy Deleting" error when failure to connect. 
    (-) Don't hide selected message when losing focus.
    (-) Tray Hint show incorrect "checked" time. 
    (-) Password without "Start Minimized". 
2.1 (beta 2)        2002-04-01 
    (+) Translatable into other languages. 
    (+) Translations Added (Catalan,Danish,Dutch,Finnish,French) 
    (+) Translations Added (German,Italian,Portuguese-Brazil) 
    (+) Multi-line account tabs (option). 
    (+) Check only while Minimized (option). 
    (+) Mouse/HotKey Action for New Message. 
    (+) Print from Preview window. 
    (+) User-defined Connection TimeOut. 
    (+) Command-line option for multiple instances (/MULTIPLE). 
    (*) Changed About Box (added Translators). 
    (*) Show Date on Preview. 
    (-) Swapped [Default Sound] and [Default Program]. 
    (-) Wrong hint text on Accounts Test E-Mail button. 
    (-) Increased Maximum Line Length 
    (-) Save Window Position when shutdown. 
    (-) Delete and Wav action in one rule. 
2.1 (beta 3)        2002-05-10 
    (+) Translations added (Bulgarian,Hebrew,Hungarian,Polish). 
    (+) Translations added (Russian,Spanish,Swedish). 
    (*) Changed the "Disabled" icon.  (Thanks Curtz) 
    (-) Saving message with a /,\,*,<,> in the subject. 
    (-) Translate window caption. 
    (-) Translate "Still busy checking". 
    (-) Port settings for Delete/Preview. 
2.1 (beta 4)        2002-06-24 
    (+) Balloon Notification (Win2000+). 
    (+) Important Messages (Rule Action Balloon Pop-Up).
    (+) Rule apply only to new messages (option). 
    (+) Specify account in Rule (option). 
    (+) Log which account a rule fired on. 
    (+) Translations added (Czech). 
    (*) Allow upto 999 minute intervals. 
    (*) All Files filter in open EXE dialog. 
    (*) Different Tab Icon for Disabled Accounts. 
    (-) Saving message with a quote (") in the subject. 
    (-) Host:Port settings for Delete/Preview. 
    (-) No Languages broke Accelerator Keys. 
    (-) Changing to English did not change Rules Drop-Downs. 
    (-) Multi-line tabs break accounts "timer interval". 
2.1 (beta 5)        2002-08-19 
    (+) Quick Checking (using UIDL). 
    (+) Translations added (Romanian,Slovak). 
    (*) Re-compiled using released Indy 9.0.10 components. 
    (-) Right-Click Add Rule was broken in beta 4. 

2.1 (beta 6)        2002-08-28 
    (*) Changed QuickCheck to an option. 
    (-) Quick Checking didn't set the last check time. 
    (-) Don't show balloon errors when "No Error" option checked. 
2.1 (beta 7)        2002-09-09 
    (+) Added "NOT Contains" in rules. 
    (+) Translations Added (Afrikaans,Slovene) 
    (*) Show less columns in Rules list. 
    (-) Clear Error when Quick Checking. 
    (-) Ignore UIDL Errors. 
    (-) Only show accounts with messages on balloon notification. 
    (-) Translate languages drop down. 

2.1 (beta 8)        2002-10-04 
    (+) New "Safe Delete" option using POP3 UIDL command. 
    (+) Delete button on Preview window. 
    (+) Translations added (Taiwan). 

2.1 (beta 9)        2002-10-06 
    (-) Error when previewing last message (introduced in beta 8). 
    (-) Didn't delete when "Safe Delete" option off. 

2.1 (beta 10)       2002-11-11
    (+) Quick Help on Options screen.
    (+) Ctrl-F6 switches Account tabs.
    (+) Translations added (Norwegian,Ukrainian).
    (*) Order Advanced Options into groups.
    (-) Options buttons disappeared when small window size.
    (-) Close Preview window while busy retrieving.
    (-) Decode Charset in "To:" column.
    (-) Switching tabs while checking, after deleting.
    (-) Delete from Preview when tabs have changed.
2.1 (beta 11)       2002-11-18
    (*) Quick Help color changed to default hint color.
    (-) Translate Password Window.
    (-) Alt-A for Check All didn't work on all PCs.
    (-) Multi-line Tabs cutoff bottom on Accounts screen.
    (-) Better transparency handling of e-mail program icons.
    (-) Reply with body using mailto: with Outlook (450 chars).
    (-) Reply with body using MAPI with Outlook Express.
    (-) Viewed icon when message has no Message-ID.

2.1 (beta 12)       2002-12-01
    (+) Translations added (Korean).
    (+) Added a What's New section in the Help file.
    (*) Removed version history from Help file.
    (*) Window height back to beta 9 size.
    (-) Translate messages on info balloon.
    (-) Error to retrieve message on Preview, OK grayed out.
    (-) Access Violation after deleting from Preview.
    (-) "Failed to set tab at index -1" after deleting from Preview.
    (-) Set New Messages = 0 when Quick Checking.

2.1 (beta 13)       2002-12-03
    (-) Tab still showing message count after all messages deleted.

2.1                 2002-12-06
    (+) Released !!